Pros & Cons of Living on a Sailboat

The current chapter of my life takes place on a sailboat in the middle of the South Pacific. Four strangers, zero sailing experience, and four countries to visit.

I’ve been on this adventure for a month now and I have learned so much about myself, this beautiful world we live in, and most importantly; sailing.

So, here are the pros and cons of living on a sailboat (coming from a brand-new sailor).


  1. You can see incredibly remote places

When living on a boat, you have access to remote places that many people cannot visit by plane or car. There are hundreds of islands in the South Pacific that are so remote, that only a handful of boats visit each year. This allows boaters to give back to these isolated communities by bringing supplies or offering basic medical care. Additionally, in these places, the nature is untouched by urbanization. The villagers take as much as they need to survive and leave the rest.

2. Boat life is the epitome of the slow travel lifestyle

‘Slow travel’ is the art of enjoying the places you visit without rushing. It’s about immersing yourself in the local culture and giving back to the communities you visit. When living on a boat, you can have long journeys getting from place to place; therefore when you visit an area, many boaters tend to stay anywhere from a few days to a few months.

3. The boating community

Although this community is typically a bit older, they are always there to lend a helping hand. Boaters understand that there aren’t many people in the world doing what they are doing, so when something breaks down or you need some provisions, they are always there to help you out. It’s also incredibly inspiring to hear the stories from other boaters.

4. The weather

Depending on the time of year and location, the weather can be perfect. Sailing with the sunshine and the ocean breeze; it’s one of the nicest experiences.

Sailing with a paper map

These days, many people use GPS to navigate through the water, but when that fails; you have to pull out the paper charts.


  1. Sailing is a job

Sailing can be a lot of work at times. Especially in rough conditions, putting reefs in the sail, adjusting the boom, and paying attention to the wind speed & direction can be tiresome. It can also be dangerous if not performed with caution. A few extra knots of wind can be the make-or-break between a good ole’ time or a broken sail.

2. Seasickness

This one is a given, but it can have a huge impact on your sailing experience. Being out at sea for days on end, feeling like you’re going to throw up every five minutes, is not a good time. The good news is: there are medicines and natural remedies to help curve your sickness if you do experience it. I can’t lie, I have spent many days unable to open my eyes without getting sick. You win some, you lose some.

3. The weather

A pro and a con in my book. When there is rain, big swells, and high-wind the entire sailing experience can change. You’re soaking wet at the helm, being tossed around in the bed at night, spilling drinks in the galley, sometimes it can be a bit rough.

4. Everything (including yourself) is a bit wet at all times.

Maybe this is just from my experience, but 99% of the time, everything is damp. From my clothing to my mattress and everything in between, living on the ocean means things are going to get wet and it also means that everything that’s metal will rust shut.

Whether it be a new job, relationship, or travel opportunity; there will be a plethora of positives and negatives. However, if it is worth it to you, it’s your job to adjust your mindset to make it work. When you enter into a new experience with an open, adaptive mind, you can make even the most uncomfortable situations into something worthwhile.

It’s a complete different way of life.

It's not a pro or a con; just a fact. Sailing teaches you many lifelong lessons because it’s such a unique lifestyle. If you think about it, when you’re sailing, you are isolated from the rest of the world. Depending on where you are sailing, you might not see another boat for days or come across land for weeks. At times, it can feel daunting. You become fully reliant upon your knowledge and abilities to get you from A-B. You are constantly problem-solving and building your skills. 

Sailing is a great way to push yourself past limits you didn’t even know you had. 

It is a great way to grow. 

The best crew <3

Left to right:

Salem (crew), Amie (crew), Mara (Captain) Tammy (crew)

Have you ever been sailing before? Do you think this lifestyle is right for you? Leave a comment below to start the conversation :)



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